December 2nd - 7th, 2024: 10 A.M - 4 P.M
10 A.M. – 11 A.M. Warm-up.
11 A.M. – 1 P.M. Repertoire Study Workshop Rite Of Spring.
1 P.M. – 2 P.M. Lunch Break
2 P.M. – 4 P.M. Repertoire Study Workshop Kontakthof.
We can propose accommodations to our partner Eden Studio Guest Villas, see further details on this page
In this program from SHARE The Dance Intensive, you will have the extraordinary opportunity to fully immerse yourself in Pina Bausch's most praised works and choreographic language. During 6 days, you will study and explore every aspect of Pina's works and creation process, with props and accessories. This new program combines a workshop and an intensive driven by research, development, and theory sessions. This is a perfect program and opportunity to learn more about Pina Bausch's broadly acclaimed work. You will work under the direction and mentorship of Ditta Miranda Jasjfi and Rainer Behr from Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch Company.
SHARE Study is designed in close collaboration with Ditta Miranda Jasjfi and Rainer Behr, and the Pina Bausch Foundation, aligning with the high standards and concept of our existing programs.
About Ditta Miran Jajsfi
At the age of twelve, Ditta Miranda Jasjfi saw a performance of The Rite of Spring in Jakarta, Indonesia – and never imagined that dancers such as Lutz Förster or Susanne Linke might become her colleagues one day. Born in 1967, she lived in Paris with her parents at the time and was frequently taken to the ballet. She recalls, “I could never sit still – I wanted to join in right away.” Back in Jakarta, she continued to take dance classes, studying ballet and other traditional dances from Bali, Sumatra and Western and Eastern Java that have shaped her movement quality to this day.
Although she initially only came to Germany to learn German at the Goethe-Institut, she took the opportunity to audition for the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. She impressed the panel – and so it happened that Ditta Miranda Jasjfi moved to Europe and stayed. After studying dance in Essen for four years, she joined the Folkwang Tanzstudio in 1993, which at the time was jointly led by Pina Bausch and Lutz Förster. When she asked if she could transfer to the Tanztheater Wuppertal, Lutz Förster told her that she was too young. “Even though I was already 27!” Today, Ditta concedes that she looked very young at the time. In 1994, she went to Bremen for six years with Susanne Linke and Urs Dietrich. At another audition in 2000, she convinced Pina Bausch to accept her into the company. “Pina was sceptical at first, thinking I was too short. 1.5m might work for a solo, but in a group?” Eventually Ditta Miranda Jasjfi was cast in the role of The Chosen One in The Rite of Spring. More
Application Requirements
All Applicants must be professional or pre-professional dancers, movers, or performers, with a minimum age of 18 years old.
You must provide a maximum of 1-minute video link (Vimeo or Youtube) of your dancing either improvising or choreographed solo. No group piece. No Instagram or Facebook link.
A full detailed resume is to be uploaded (max 15Mb) or via a weblink (google drive, website, etc...)
Within 2 days after receiving your application form, we will send our response via email. 7 days to pay your tuition is required once our email is sent. Every un-paid application is canceled on the 8th day at 9 am.
You can pay via Credit Card or Offline by bank transfer.
About Rainer Behr
1964 in Neustadt a. d. Born in Waldnaab, Rainer Behr initially trained as a gymnastics teacher in Berlin before starting his dance studies at the Folkwang University in Essen in 1986, where he studied classical ballet, modern dance and folklore dance. While still studying, Behr received first prize at the choreographer competition in Cagliari in 1989 for his duo "The Turn of Things" and was awarded the Claassen Dance Prize in 1990. In the same year he joined the Folkwang Tanzstudio and danced in productions by Urs Dietrich, Susanne Linke, Mark Sieczkarek, Carolyn Carlson and Raffaella Giordano until 1995. At the same time, he realized his own choreographies with this company such as: "Red Roses", "Lonely Kingdom", "ButterflyRiverMountin SunMoon" and showed solo choreographies. Rainer Behr has been a member of the Wuppertal Dance Theater under Pina Bausch since 1995. More
About Pina Bausch
Born July 27th, 1940 into a publican family in Solingen, she discovered her love of dance at an early age and joined children’s ballet classes where her talent was recognised. In 1955 she began a professional dance education at the Folkwang School in Essen, led by Kurt Jooss, a pioneer of the revolutionary 1920s/30s German movement Ausdruckstanz (‘expressive dance’), completing the course in 1959. The most important values she took from her work with Jooss were ‘honesty and precision’, as she later put it: honesty in approaching reality and precision in developing form. After two years in New York, initially with a scholarship for the renowned Juilliard School of Music, then as a dancer at the New American Ballet and at the Metropolitan Opera House Ballet, she returned to Essen in 1962 on Jooss’ request as a soloist at the newly founded Folkwang Dance Studio. Here she worked with Jooss, Antony Tudor, Lucas Hoving, Hans Züllig and above all Jean Cébron. At the end of the 1960s she gained attention with her first choreographies, including Im Wind der Zeit (‘in the wind of time’), for which she won first prize in the Cologne choreography competition. More
Photo: Wilfried Krüger