Jone San Martin Astigarraga
The Forsythe Company
Jone San Martin Astigarraga was born in Donostia, the Basque Country. Since
2015 she lives In Berlin. She is a dancer, performer, choreographer, and teacher of the Improvisation Technologies developed together with William Forsythe, and Forsythe’s repertoire teacher. After working as a freelance in Spain and Belgium, she joined in 1992 “The Ballet Frankfurt “ under the direction of William Forsythe until 2004, and in 2005 she joined “The Forsythe Company” until 2015. She is part of the “Dance On Ensemble” in Berlin since 2015. She has created several works and with the solo/ conference, on Forsythe’s choreographic notation, “ Legítimo/Rezo” she is touring all over the world. During all those years she has worked and collaborated with William Forsythe, Nacho Duato, Jacopo Godani, Saburo Teshigawara, Fabrice Mazliah, Agnès Chekroun, Carlotta Sagna, Jan Lawers, Jan Fabre, Josh Johnson, Tim Etchells, Matteo Fargion, Rabih Mroué, Deborah Hay, Jan Marteens, Ersan Mondtag, Johannes Wieland, Mikel R Nieto, Emanuele Soavi, Ildiko Tóth, Susanne Kennedy, Mathilde Monnier, Auxiliadora Gálvez, Yodfat Miron, André Uerba and Christos Papadopoulos. Right now her choreographic research is in collaboration with deaf persons and sign language translators.